Critical Information You Should Be Aware Of Before Trying Silkies Hosiery Service!

There is some important information that you need to be aware of about Silkies Hosiery Service. I am not going to bad mouth the product because Silkies products are of the absolute highest quality. Are they a little more expensive than some of the other hosiery products you can buy. Well, yes and no. I know that answer is not much help so let me explain my logic. Yes, Silkies Hosiery Service may cost slightly more than running out to your local store to get tights and pantyhose, but you also get what you pay for. There is definitely something to be said for quality. I know that when I buy Silkies that they will last for a while, so I can save some money and time in the long run.

So why the Silkies Hosiery Service warning? Simply because many people do not understand that this is what is called an auto ship program. There is nothing inherently wrong with this if you know what you are getting into, but many sites that want to let you know about the buy one get one free offers that Silkies is currently running conveniently forget to tell you that if you do not cancel you will be billed for 4 new pairs every four to five weeks. It is simple enough to cancel by calling their toll free number that I don't understand why more people are not upfront about it. If you are only interested in the buy one get one free and not the hosiery service, then you just place your order, get your order, then if you are not interested in the service call and cancel when your order arrives. It doesn't get much easier than that and you get a free pair of top quality tights, pantyhose, or shapeware to boot. Here are a few of the better BOGO offers that Silkies is currently running.

Silkies Microfiber Tights

Everyone has their own personal favorite, but these are mine. I absolutely love wearing tights and Silkes are at the top of my list. They feel great, look great, and the quality is definitely second to none. I simply can not say enough good things about Silkies Microfiber Tights. If you wear tights, then you really should give these a chance. I think that you will be very happy with them. Silkies is also offering a free pair of tights to all new customers that buy a pair.

Try Silkies Microfiber Tights Today And Get A Pair For FREE!

Silkies Control Top Pantyhose

It is amazing how much better your legs can look in a good pair of pantyhose. That is certainly not a big secret. If you are looking for pantyhose that are sexy and slimming, comfortable, and of the highest quality then Silkies Control Top Pantyhose are exactly what you are looking for. If you have tried them before then you know how pantyhose are supposed to make you look and feel. If you have not, then you are in for a real treat because Silkies is currently offering a buy one get one free promotion for all new customers.

Try Silkies Control Top Pantyhose Today And Get A Pair For FREE!

Silkies Multi-Shaper Shortz (Slimming Wear)

I really can't say too much about these because I have never tried them. The only reason why is because I almost always wear tights if I am wearing a dress of skirt. My legs also look better wearing tights or hose. For those of you that are blessed with legs that look good without the aid of hose or tights, you might really like Silkies Multi-Shaper Shortz. Any shapewear product that can instantly make your thighs, stomach, and rear look better is a definite winner in my book. When you consider that they are made by silkies, you can also be assured that they are of the highest quality. If you are looking to try them, Silkies is also offering a buy one get one free for these as well.

Try Silkies Multi-Shaper Shortz Today And Get A Pair For FREE!